7210 Worline Road
Bow, WA 98232-9745


Driving directions are on this web site.  Please use these to arrive at the place.  GPS doesn't always bring you the easy way.  Information about your arrival as well.

Class is at 10:00 in Bow, WA unless listed differently.  You can schedule other times on these days.
July 23 Tuesday CANCEL I am stuck flying back from NY
July 24 Wednesday     Please check if I am home.
July 25 Thursday
July 26 Friday
July 27 Saturday
July 28 Sunday
July 29 Monday
July 30 Tuesday
July 31 Wednesday
Aug 2 Friday
​Aug 4 Sunday
Aug 5 Monday
Aug 6 Tuesday
Aug 7 Wed Beach Party
Aug 8 Thur
Aug 12 Monday
Aug 13 Tuesday
Aug 14 Wed
Aug 15 Thur
Aug 16 Friday
​Aug 18 Sunday
​Classes in Arizona 
​Aug 24 to 29




​​​​​​​Scheduling Herding Classes
The wait is worth it! Come join us for positive herding and watch your dog improve.
This is a great team sport for you & your dog.
Dogs will be worked 2 times in each class
with a 2 hour break between each session. 

Classes will include short discussions at the beginning and throughout the day.  Each class is approximately a 4 hour time commitment.
PRE-REGISTRATION BY EMAIL IS REQUIRED.   The number of dogs worked in each class (morning or afternoon) is limited.  Your message subject line must include “Scheduling Classes”.  Let me know the date and session (a.m. or p.m.) that you would like to sign up for.  I will confirm your choice by email.  If you do not get a quick response from me, I may be out of town and will respond as soon as I can.

Enrollment fees must be pre-paid.  No refunds.
Drop-ins are included only as time allows, please call or email to make sure
I am teaching when you want to come. 
You may have to wait until the
afternoon class and may only get one opportunity to work your dog

First lesson $60
$40.00 for each class first dog
$30 second dog
Set of 10 lessons for $300
No Refunds

Understanding what is required of you and your dog, developing a working
relationship between the two of you, and being able to read the livestock is
not a quick process.  Students are encouraged to observe other students and
their dogs working in class and are encouraged to read ALL the herding
information provided on this web site.  As you progress you and your dog will
continue to be challenged by this sport.  It is common for beginners to feel
quite lost and uncertain.  Occasionally some dogs may seem initially
uninterested in the stock.  But as you both grow in confidence and in your understanding of the game, the light goes on and the herding fun begins.
Please let me know if you want me to added to
my herding list. I only use it for events or cancellation.

Beginning handlers and their dogs and
all breeds are welcome.